XueLang, Iselwyr, shay, Electricfox777, Ryusei-draco, Synariel, tj54, TM_wolf, affie-beck-lauder, Aigami, Airakar, Avalon, Aztetos, Beryl_Strifeclaw, BlackMoria, Blobage, cristoffer_johansson, DarkriderZX, Dimitri, Dominic_Schwab, Fallout_LEO, Grodgen, Kaimori, KieferSkunk, Logan_Storm, MRpickels436, Myfurryf8, NDG, OmniOtter, Phil_Okeechobee, Pryler, Rados, Red_Fox, Reever, sig1290, SOU6900, Strongpaw, Tank_Hamster, Tobias Amaranth and Will Schwab
Art and story by ABD.
Flat color by Shana
Script proofing and advisor Tsumi
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